October 14, 2008

Racism in America

Why is it that we seem to feel this is something new or we haven't experienced racism on a daily basis? With the elections so close I just keep hearing people cry foul when in actuality we've been dealing with these issues forever. No matter if Obama wins the election or he lose we as black people will always be treated like step children.

Just look at our neighborhoods and how we live compared to others, now I'm not racism myself but dammit shit looks suspicious. Prime example, the other day on channel 5 news, I think, they ran a story about how so many young (black) teens are crowding the area down Chinatown. While I must admit when I do go down there I am quite amazed by the scenery. Not because they are black, hell I see that all the time in my neighborhood, but because we've infiltrated their scene. So in turn they now see this as a problem and said they'll began issuing loitering situations or develop a curfew...WTF! Why not do that in S.E. huh? Why do we have to deal with that shit and they just simply snap their fingers and begone? Is it Racism or is it Resident Safety, you tell me?

More on Racism!

Can you believe it!!!


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