October 7, 2008

Material World

I have always been a fan of Madonna, even as she ages I still love her... even though she's brainwashed at the moment. But There's a reason why the media refer to Madonna as the Queen of Reinvention -- a title she dislikes but still co-opted for her 2004 tour.

"She would say a girl likes to change her hair color or hairstyle," said Keith Caulfield, an analyst at Billboard magazine. "She's just playing dress up and trying new things."

Looking back at some of Madonna's more memorable moments, it's clear she's had an influence on pop music and fashion. When Madonna came out with her first album in 1983, she started climbing up the charts and making headlines, like when she famously rolled around on stage in a wedding dress singing "Like a Virgin" for the MTV Video Music Awards. Then teenage girls copied her glam rock, bangled style after she appeared in the 1985 film "Desperately Seeking Susan."

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