I felt the need to express my feeling regarding problems in the workplace. I am constantly having problems with other women at my job for many reasons unknown. Well today a fellow co-worker who I almost never have spoken a solid word to felt the need to cleanse her soul. I heard she's a very religious person.. what does that mean? Does that mean she loves everyone and treats them how she want to be treated,No? She's a hypocrite if you ask me and most people don't practice what they preach. As for this co-worker, she came to my desk today and place a card on my desk. She walked away and I continued to do my work, I then opened the envelope thinking it was something job related. Well to my surprise it was a card that read thanks for your kindness and generosity with $10 enclosed and a hand written note saying lunch was on her. Now I started to put the money in my purse and cheerfully acknowledging victory.. since I never went upside her head. But then I started to ponder what were her true intentions for this unexpected gesture. Oh snap she was trying to insult me I said to myself. I proceeded to walk to her desk and politely placed the card back on her desk with no explanation whatsoever.... Damn I wish she was at her desk, but if she was then I might not have a job. Here are a few ways to overcome problems: There's a technique that many managers use to avoid confrontation or to calm down a situation is called the ESP process. ESP stands for empathy, sympathy and priority. Understanding, agreeing and working out a way to deal with the problem should help to avoid confrontation. Many people can’t distinguish between criticism of their specific performance and general disapproval or dislike of them as a person
So lets try to learn how to deal with confrontation in the workplace together, here's a website I found with some good info on dealing with problems in the workplace. Click here.
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