I tried not to indulge myself into the mayhem that’s circulating throughout the media and various Internet outlets regarding Rick Ross. I am a fan of Ross and really love his recent album that is plays on repeat in my car. What I find strange about this whole incident is the need to lie about it. Is it so bad to hold an honest job in the black community or even worst the ultimate betrayal… to be associated the police. An ultimate career breaker or worst a death sentence when to be discovered as one of them. After reviewing the picture I do believe it’s Ross and really don’t care. The game nowadays is nothing but a big fat ole lie anyways.. So why is one lie accepted when another one is denounced? But in the end it’s all lies, Right! So where did all this investigation come from, a close source of mine in Miami spoke on tension arising after the production of a DVD featuring Ross surfaced. Well, clips of Ross discussing personal information regarding another Dade County rappers family member didn’t sit well with others around town. That’s when some people schemed on exposing Ross for who he really was… A Fake. He was never really a street dude just knew people in a circle of friends. Click here to read what the Smoking Gun came up with regarding the Boss
Speaking of Miami rappers here’s Plies new video featuring Jaime Fox and The Dream, "Please Excuse My Hands". I love me some Plies with his country swag and all!!!
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