A nip here. A tuck there. From noses and lips to boobs and hips, plastic surgery is everywhere and if you can afford it then you're apart of the pack. What is it about plastic surgery that people seem to be so consumed with? I know there are some things about my body that I would love to get fixed up but can't get the nerve to actually go through with it.
Bad plastic surgery happens when someone feels pressure to look good and they have more money than brains. Which pretty much describes the large percentage of celebrities out there. Some don’t quite look like human beings anymore, which would be tragic (they didn’t have to look like that which is why its so sad) if it weren’t so stupid. Most of these people were genetically blessed to begin with, which makes you wonder why they would risk their good looks just to hold off from aging a tiny bit longer. And many of the younger celebs have absolutely no excuse at all, as good diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle would have fixed most of any flaws they felt they had.

What's with these Butt Implants?
While many people hit the gym and suffer through crash diets to attain a smaller behind, there are others who actually seek out surgical solutions for a larger, rounder butt. For some, cosmetic surgery can offer buttock implants. Unlike breast implants, which are filled with either silicone gel or saline, buttock implants are bags of silicone, set beneath the buttock muscles. Among these problems is an increased risk of infection. This is because in order to hide the incision from plain view, surgeons will often place it between the buttocks, really close to the anus and the germs that reside there.... Nightmare!
Here's what happens when butt implants go wrong...
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